Are you having trouble sleeping??

Having trouble sleeping lately? ๐Ÿ˜ด Well, we happen to know of a few crystals that can help you with that little problem! Here are the top 10!ย 
๐ŸคHowlite. They are known for having a soothing energy that helps alleviate stress and aid insomnia.
๐Ÿ’œAmethyst. It brings healing power to your dreams, promotes deep sleep and calms you.
๐Ÿ–คBlack Moonstone. It reduces emotional tension and drives away negative energies.
๐Ÿ’•Rose Quartz. It promotes calmness and helps you stay asleep. It helps absorb loving and healing energy.
๐Ÿ’œLepidolite. It helps you let go and creates dreams. A gentle and joyous stone that promotes peaceful sleep.
๐ŸคSelenite. It is soaked in calm energies and cleanses your sleep space of dark energies.
๐Ÿ’จSmoky Quartz. It fends off negative energy and keeps bad dreams away so you can sleep peacefully.
Angelite. It has a calming energy and enhances Intuition and dreamwork. It helps with seeing the meaning of dreams and problems.
๐Ÿ’™Celestite. It brings serenity and quiets the storm within. It reminds you to be still and soft so you can sleep.
๐ŸคClear Quartz. They emit a clear, soothing energy which aids in falling asleep.

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